Here are all of our at-home coffee brewing guides for the best quality coffee. Everything starts with the right coffee.
Note- when ordering ground coffee on our website, select the following grind depending on what brewing method you use:
Happy coffee brewing!
Auto-Drip (medium fine)French Press (coarse)Espresso (fine)
Pour Over Coffee Brewing Guide

- pour-over brewing device,
- 2# paper coffee filter,
- freshly roasted coffee,
- ground for auto-drip (aka medium-fine)
- scale
- kettle
- mug
Use filtered water, heated to 195-205 degrees Fahrenheit.Pouring in one spot unevenly extracts the coffee and makes the drink inconsistent.Pouring too quickly can flood the filter, forcing under extracted coffee through or overflowing the carafe. The coffee should be ground for auto-drip, meaning that the consistency is medium-fine and resembles salt. See the coffee brewing steps below.
Step 1: Bring approximately 20oz of water to a boil.
Step 2: Place the paper filter in the brewing device, wet with some hot water, then dump the water before brewing the coffee. This clean the filter, allowing for the purest flavor.
Step 3: Measure 30 grams ( 1 oz ) of coffee, and put it in the paper filter inserted in the brewing device.
Step 4: Pour the water at a slow and steady pace, just enough to saturate the grounds so that they dampen but not enough to float. Allow the coffee to “bloom” for about 30 seconds. Stir the grounds.
Step 5: Pour water over the grounds again in a spiral pattern. Do not overflow the filter with too much water, causing the grounds to float and leave under extracted grounds on the sides of the filter. Some designs do well with a slow continuous pour, others prefer incremental periods of pouring.
Step 6: Repeat the process pausing between pour until you have 10 oz or 350 grams of coffee brewed. This should fill your mug.
Checkout our drip coffee brewing equipment here
Chemex Brewing Coffee Brewing Guide

- Chemex filter
- Chemex glass brewer
- 6 rounded tb of coffee ground for auto-drip
- 30 oz water
Yield 20 oz coffee. You will want to boil
more than the 20 oz to allow for grounds to absorb water as well as have
enough water to wet the filter/pre-warm the brewer.Use coffee with an automatic drip or medium grind only. See the coffee brewing steps below.
Step 1: The Chemex filter will be made up of four layers, pull one layer open to make the filter a cone shape leaving three of the layers together. Place the filter into the Chemex brewer with the thick side towards the pouring spout.
Step 2: Remove water from heat after it reaches a rolling boil. Let it sit until it stops boiling vigorously. It should be at about 200 °F.
Step 3: Pour enough of the water over the filter to dampen it. Let it sit for a moment before pouring out the water from the brewer. This washes out any residual paper flavor as well as pre-warms the brewer.
Step 4: Put desired amount of coffee approx 1.5 oz ( 42.5 grams) in the filter cone.
Step 5: Pour just enough water on the grounds to dampen them without causing them to float and so just a little starts dripping into the brewer. This allows a process called “blooming”. When pouring the water, do it in an evenly distributed manner, such as going back or forth or in a spiral pattern.
Step 6: When brewing is finished discard grounds and filter. Serve into preheated cups.
Check out our Chemex-style coffee brewing equipment here
French Press Coffee Brewing Guide

- French Press brewer
- Freshly roasted coffee
Make sure to use coarse-grind coffee so that you don't end up with too much fine sediment in your cup. See the coffee brewing steps below.
Step 1: Measure the desired amount of coffee grounds ( 1 TB per 4 oz) , and place it in the carafe.
Step 2: Bring the water to 195-205 degrees Fahrenheit, or the moment when the water begins to boil.
Step 3: Pour just enough water over the grounds to saturate them completely, allowing it to bloom. Stir the grounds slowly using a wooden or plastic utensil, as not to cool down the coffee.
Step 4: Add remaining water leaving enough room for the plunger to be placed on top. Place the plunger on top but do not plunge.
Step 5: Allow the grounds to steep for 4 minutes.
Step 6: After the coffee has steeped. Slowly push the plunger down to separate the grounds from the coffee.
Step 7: Slowly pour the coffee as soon as you’ve pressed it into a preheated coffee cup. This is important as any remaining coffee left in the French Press will continue to brew, developing a bitter taste.
Check out our French Press coffee brewing equipment here.
Auto-Drip Machine Guide

- Drip coffee machine.
- We recommend one with a cone filter.
- Filtered water.
- Paper filter. #4 fits most 10-12 cup brewers.
- Freshly roasted coffee, ground for auto-drip.
We recommend starting with a ratio of 1 tb of coffee for every 5oz of water.Water temperature needs to be between 195-205 degrees Fahrenheit.For best results, brew a full pot. Each “cup” on your brewer is only 5-6 oz. See the coffee brewing steps below.
Step 1: Refill the water reservoir with a 1 cup of water (as designated on your reservoir) for every cup of coffee desired. For example 3 cups of coffee requires 3 cups of water.
Step 2: Fill a new filter with 1 Tablespoon of ground coffee for every cup of coffee desired. For example 6 cups of coffee would require 6 Tablespoons of fresh grounds.
Step 3: Turn on your machine and start brewing.
Home Espresso Machine Guide

- home espresso machine
- soft water or bottled distilled water
- freshly roasted coffee, ground for espresso
- milk thermometer
Extraction time should be 21-27 seconds.
If not, the grind needs to be adjusted (more fine if extraction was too
quick, and more course if it was too long).Use 1 ½- 2 tb of coffee (7.5 -8.5grams) for a double shot.It
is important to clean your espresso machine regularly. We recommend
using Cafetto brand EVO espresso cleaner (available for purchase on our
website). See the coffee brewing steps below.
Step 1: Fill the portafilter with a heaping portion of grounds. Tamp or compress the grounds down inside the portafilter with enough pressure to press the grounds into a firm smooth and level puck.
Step 2: Reattach the portafilter on the grouphead and begin brewing.
Step 3: An espresso shot should brew or “pull” for 21-27 seconds and have a golden colored crema.
Step 4: You should have 1 ½ oz shot of liquid espresso.
Step 5: Use the steam wand to steam your milk until it reaches 150 F.
Step 6: Combine your espresso and milk in whatever combination desired to create a cappuccino, latte, or other espresso-based drink. Alternatively, enjoy your espresso straight.
Keurig Coffee Brewing Guide

- Keurig machinereusable k-cups (available for purchase on Amazon and other online retailers)
- freshly roasted coffee
- ground for auto-drip
K-cups can hold 10g of coffee at a time, the equivalent to 2tb, for an 8oz cup.You can save money by using your own coffee at home without sacrificing any of the convenience. Reusable K-cups are much more environmentally friendly. See the Keurig coffee brewing steps below.
Step 1: Fill the reusable coffee filter to one of the two fill lines (regular or travel mug) with your favorite coffee grounds. K cups often have two lines to indicate coffee filling. The lower line is best used for coffee cups and the higher for travel mugs.
Step 2: Place the filter into the Keurig coffee machine as you would with a regular K-Cup and close the lid.
Step 3: Brew the coffee into a cup or mug. Add cream, sugar, or other milk and flavorings if desired.
Moka Pot Coffee Brewing Guide

- 6-cup moka pot20-22g of freshly roasted coffee,
- ground finer than a pour-over (auto-drip) and coarser than espresso (fine). The grinds should appear slightly larger than granulated sugar.
If using an induction stovetop, make sure to use an adapter.Buildup
from the coffee oils requires you to regularly clean your moka pot. We
recommend using Caffetto brand EVO Espresso Cleaner, available for
purchase on our website. See the coffee brewing steps below.
Step 1: Fill the bottom chamber of the moka pot with water, till it is level with the valve
Step 2: Place the funnel (“coffee grounds receptacle”) in the bottom chamber, and fill with coffee grinds. Level the grinds, but do not tamp or apply pressure. Make sure no water enters the funnel.
Step 3: Place the top of the moka pot (the part with the spout on it)on top, and screw on.
Step 4: Put the moka pot on the stove, and heat at medium-high. Make sure the flames are low enough to prevent super-heating of the handle.
Step 5: Immediately remove the pot from the heat when you hear a hissing noise. This indicates that pressure has pushed the coffee up into the upper chamber.
Step 6: Allow the coffee to finish moving into the upper chamber, and pour in your cup or mug. Enjoy!
Check out our Moka pot coffee brewing equipment here.